Influences of Oxygen-Bearing Organic Matter on Absorbance for Alkali Metal in AAS 含氧有机物对碱金属原子吸收光谱吸光度影响规律的研究
A new process for recovering valuable organic acids from waste alkali liquor in cyclohexane oxidation is introduced. 介绍了一种从环己烷氧化废碱液中回收高价值有机酸的新方法。
Cesium and organic alkali will occur with other similar reactions, but it's quite lively. 铯和有机物也会发生同其他碱金属相类似的反应,但它比较活泼。
Study on Removal of HCl, NH_3, Organic Sulphur, Tar Component and Alkali Metal Vapor in High Temperature Coal Gas 高温煤气氨、有机硫、焦油、氯化氢、碱金属的脱除
The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer had obvious influence on soybean nutrition of nitrogen, even though there being high level state of soil organic matter and alkali solve nitrogen in soil. 研究结果表明:即使土壤有机质和碱解氮水平较高,施用氮肥(尿素)仍能明显改善大豆的氮素营养,提高其含氮量;
An organic alkali metal salt was synthesized, and its antioxidation performance in synthetic lubricants was evaluated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC) and oxidation-corrosion test. 合成了一种有机碱金属盐,并采用差示扫描量热法(DSC)和氧化腐蚀试验对其在合成油中的抗氧化行为进行了评价。
The results showed that 332 kinds of pollutants including benzene homologues, hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organic acids, alkali, ester, aldehydes, ketones and heterocyclic compounds have been detected. 结果表明,共检出332种污染物质,包括苯系物、脂肪烃、多环芳烃、有机醇、酮、胺、酯、羧酸及杂环化合物等。
Organic alkali and hydrogen peroxide were used as pH regulator and oxidant to analyze the effect of chemical action on CMP process. 采用有机碱和过氧化氢作为抛光液的pH值调节剂和氧化剂,分析化学机械抛光过程中化学作用对抛光过程的影响。
Analysis of organic pollutants in alkali straw pulp papermaking wastewater by GC-MS GC-MS分析碱法草浆造纸废水中的有机污染物组成
Research on pretreatment of refinery organic alkali wastewater with high concentration 炼油高浓度有机废碱水预处理方法研究
Adjusting pH value, reducing oxidation of slurry, and enhancing action of organic alkali are methods to reduce removal rate of Cu and increase removal rate of Ta, consequently gain a good selectivity of Cu/ Ta. 通过调节pH值,降低抛光液的氧化,增强有机碱的作用,来降低铜的去除速率并提高钽的去除速率,得到了很好的铜/钽抛光选择性。
The application of organic alkali metal salt antioxidation performance in synthetic lubricants 有机碱金属盐抗氧协和剂在合成润滑油中的应用
The Experimental Analysis of Chemical Reaction of Organic Alkali in Cu-CMP Slurry Cu-CMP抛光液中有机碱的化学作用实验分析
Organic Alkali Metal Salt's Antioxidation Performance in Synthetic Lubricant 有机碱金属盐在合成润滑油中的抗氧化性能
Organic matter, alkali hydrolysis nitrogen, holonitrogen and available phosphorus in intercropping soil was far more higher than those in the control. 试验区土壤有机质、碱解氮、全氮及速效磷的含量明显高于对照区,种草有提高土壤肥力的作用;
The eastern grassland soil is abundant in organic matter, total nitrogen, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, active potassium, and the soil texture is loam. 东部草地土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效钾含量都很丰富,土壤质地均为壤质;
The result of treatment of high concentration organic starch waste water with alkali aggregate Aluminium chloride is introduced. 本文介绍了用碱式聚合氯化铝处理高浓度有机淀粉废水的效果。
In order to gained the best formulation of slurry, the experiments that copper was polished using organic alkali slurry on fixed conditions were done, in which the curve of chemical reaction between the concentration of organic alkali and polishing rate was find out. 为得到抛光液的最佳配比,在给定的实验条件下对铜进行抛光实验,得到了铜的抛光速率随有机碱浓度的化学作用曲线,并得到了有机碱在抛光液中的最佳浓度。
The results indicated that there were higher concentrated odorous substance and lots of organic salt in alkali residua of diesel oil. 通过对炼油厂柴油碱洗废渣的分析,先后测定了碱渣的COD值、硫醇硫含量、碱度和含油量。测定结果表明,柴油碱渣中含浓度很高的恶臭物质和大量的有机物盐。
The chemical reaction by organic alkali with by hydroxide radicle and double amidocyanogen was analyzed in Cu-CMP process. 分析了带有羟基和双胺基的有机碱在Cu-CMP过程中的化学作用。
Reactive pyrolysis gas chromatography ( Py-GC) in the presence of an organic alkali, tetramethylammonium hydroxide(( CH3) 4NOH, TMAH), was applied to the compositional analysis of natural resin shellac. 研究了有机碱试剂,氢氧化四甲铵(tetramethylammoniumhydroxideTMAH)共存下的反应热裂解气相色谱(Py-GC)应用于天然树脂紫胶的化学组成分析。
In this paper, the extraction of organic compounds in alkali straw pulp papermaking wastewater with diethyl ether was conducted in acidic condition. 碱法草浆造纸废水在酸性条件下经乙醚萃取&KD浓缩器浓缩,采用气相色谱质谱(GCMS)联用仪对其有机污染物进行了分析研究。
And it could improve the contents of organic matter, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium in soil. 土壤中的有机质、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量均比对照增加。
When the content of organic alkali is 4%~ 6%, the polishing velocity reachs a maximum; 当抛光液中有机碱的质量分数为4%~6%时,抛光速率达到最大值;
Results showed that application of coated urea significantly improved soil organic matter, total N, alkali soluble N, nitrate, ammonium, available potash, and decreased available P content in comparison to urea. 结果表明,施用包膜控释尿素比普通尿素能明显提高土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、速效钾含量,降低了土壤速效磷含量;
Soil fertility was positively correlated with Soil moisture, organic matter, alkali N, available K, available P, conductivity, pH, while soil fertility was negatively correlated with the bulk density, total salt. 土壤含水量、有机质、碱解N、速效K、速效P、电导率、pH值与土壤肥力呈现正相关,而容重、总盐则呈现负相关。
With the soil layers deeper, the concentration of soil organic matter, total N, alkali hydrolyze N, inorganic N reduced gradually, but the distribution of soil fixed ammonium was contrary trend. 2. 土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、无机态氮含量的剖面分布规律均为随土层的加深逐渐降低,而固定态铵的剖面分布则呈相反趋势。
Crown ethers are kind of macrocyclic polyethers. Crown ethers can form stable, soluble complexes in organic solvent with alkali metal ions, alkaline earth metal ions, transition metal ions and heavy metal ions. 冠醚是一类大环多醚类化合物,它们能与碱金属离子、碱土金属离子、过渡金属离子及重金属离子等形成稳定的、能溶解于有机溶剂的络合物。